
Jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan
Jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan

jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan

The decision support system application is a way to deal with the problem of determining scholarship recipients. Some problems that often occur such as inaccurate selection process because of the large number of scholarship applicants that must be adjusted to the existing criteria, then in determining the right students do not even get a scholarship and students who are not entitled to get a scholarship instead get a scholarship and the selection process is still manual because Student data will be compared one by one to the scholarship criteria so that the selection process requires accuracy and time so this is not efficient. Scholarships are also given to students at STIKOM UYELINDO in the form of PPA and BBM scholarships.

jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan

Decision Support System, FMADM, SAW, Scholarship, Web AbstractĮducational institutions, especially universities, a lot of scholarships are offered to students.

Jurnal sistem pendukung keputusan